Supercharge your career

Sign up for our Campus Ambassadors Program (CAP) to join Africa's leading blockchain company pioneering the digital financial revolution in Africa as a student representative on your campus.

About the program

Campus Ambassadors Program (CAP) provides a unique opportunity to students in Nigerian tertiary institutions to join Africa's leading blockchain company pioneering the digital financial revolution in Africa as a student representative on their campus.

The goal of this program is to equip students in Nigerian tertiary institutions with financial education and professional skills to stand out in the global marketplace especially in the blockchain industry.

The Benefits

The Campus Ambassadors Program (CAP) will provide the following benefits to students:

Professional Development

We'll provide a corporate platform that equips students with highly valuable on demand skills that gives them outstanding leverage in the job market and opportunities to internship opportunities.

Networking Opportunity

We'll also provide a platform to help students network and build highly valuable professional relationships with their peers across other campuses.

Affiliate Earnings

As an Ambassador with SenexPay, you’re entitled to earning commissions from new users who you refer and sign up to trade on SenexPay. There are no limitations on the amount you can earn. The more people who create accounts and trade on SenexPay after clicking your referral link, the more payouts you’ll receive.

Exclusive Branded Merchs

As a CAP beneficiary, you become the face of our brand on your campus. You also get our exclusive branded merchandises and gifts as soon as they’re ready.

Find more Answers

What does a SenexPay Campus Ambassador do?


Is the program for selected courses?


What is the next step after the application?


What do I get as a SenexPay Campus Ambassador?

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